Thursday, March 5, 2020

Follow This ACT Study Guide To Stand Out From The Crowd On Test Day

Follow This ACT Study Guide To Stand Out From The Crowd On Test Day The Essential ACT Study Guide Many high school students can attest that an essential ACT study guide is crucial to maximum success when sitting for this high stakes exam. Preparing for the ACT shouldn'tbe stressful or consume all of your available time. Carefully planning your preparation, understanding which portions are likely to be difficult, and utilizing all of your available resources will strengthen your studying and help you to perform at your best. There are several components to our essential ACT study guide and each will help ensure you are ready for the big day: Planyour preparation- The ACT is too important of an exam to leave yourpreparation to chance. Once you have determined which day you will sit forthe exam, you should begin to map out your study time and prioritize which parts of the test require the most intense studying. Establishing aconsistent weekly schedule will maximize your available time and providethe consistency vital to careful preparation. Be sure to build in extrastudy sessions in case your weekly schedule changes or unforeseencircumstances arise. Understandthe parts of the test- Studying the academic content areas of the examisn't enough. To maximize your potential on the ACT you must alsounderstand the different componentsof the exam and know what is necessary to achieve a high score. TheACT exam consists of English, mathematics, reading, and science and theACT Plus Writing also includes an optional writing exam. Each of thesesubtests assess specific academic knowledge and skills and require exam candidates answer multiple questions within a specific time frame. Utilize available resources- Thereare many different resources available to you during your ACT testpreparation. The ACT website offers candidates a comprehensive onlineprep system, five retired exams (each containing the optional writingtest), an ACT practice question of the day, a Preparing for the ACTguide, and hundreds of easily accessible practice test questions.Additionally, the professional tutors at Huntington Learning Centers are avaluable resource that can boost your ACT preparation and ensure you're readyfor the big day. They will work with you to maximize your available studytime and ensure your preparation is focused and driven by your individualstrengths and weaknesses. Knowyour strengths, focus on your weaknesses- An important part of any exampreparation is the use of practice tests. Strategically taking practicetests will provide data on which sections of the test are your strengthsand which will require more time. It is important to focus on the portions of the test that allow for the most growth. Ask forhelp- It's possible to manage your ACT preparation on your own, but ifyou begin to feel overwhelmed or confused, it may be time to ask for help.Consider contacting the professionals at Huntington Learning Center if you are ready for individualized ACT study support. Your specific strengthsand weaknesses will be expertly combined to determine a perfectly tailoredstudy plan. The Huntington Learning Center tutors are experts at creatingpersonalized study sessions that will help ensure you are prepared for theACT. The professional tutors with Huntington Learning Centers are available to assist with your ACT preparation. We will work with you to devise a customized tutoring plan, based on assessment data, that focuses on the areas of the exam where you can make the most growth. No two students are alike and the staff at Huntington Learning Centers is committed to providing individualized tutoring programs tailored to your specific needs.

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