Friday, March 6, 2020

Do You Want to Understand Math with the help of a Free Online Tutor - Find Out How

Do You Want to Understand Math with the help of a Free Online Tutor - Find Out How 0SHARESShare Low pricing or high pricing, tutoring bills have become an indispensable part of every household expenses. How to cut down the learning expenses and look for free online services that offer assistance in a difficult subject like Math? Approach your teacher at school, who may be aware of the best free online tutoring services in your vicinity to help you with extra Math content, which you can access with the aid of multimedia tools. The contents, which are available free online, can help you understand the concepts of Math with an in-depth study of the material at your pace and according to your personalized interests- Your interest in Calculus may be more overwhelming than in other aspects of Math. You can browse and pick out videos and animations that focus on that particular area of Math, free of cost, to help you do well in Math. If you have peer mentoring organizations or Church groups near your home, that is a great blessing for you with free online math tutoring -You are open to the forums, where you can discuss and arrive at conclusions of Math with your peers through interactive tools. That helps you a lot in doing your assignment and test papers. Go to a local library and search for interactive puzzles, stored exercises, and practice tests with a test generator, which will enlighten your knowledge of Math concepts and guide you well in learning aspects of Math. You can seek the help of a Math tutor, who renders free tutoring online, after school hours to improve the foundation of Mathematical knowledge trained in your school curriculum. Most of them render that extra bit of help that is necessary to boost your understanding of Math sums. Many positive measures are available to strengthen your concept of Math with free tutoring services online. Enjoy learning Math, without shrinking your pocket. [starbox id=admin]

A Day in the Life at Rice University

A Day in the Life at Rice University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Ankita is a Houston tutor and a junior at Rice University. She is majoring in Cognitive Science and specializes inmany subjects such as Trigonometry tutoring, Biology tutoring, ACT prep tutoringand SAT prep tutoring. Check out her review of Rice: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Ankita: Rice is really special in that it is one of the few universities that has completely balanced a beautiful, spacious campus in the middle of an urban city. Walking beneath the trees that form a canopy above you, it is very easy to forget you are in a city. But one step beyond the hedges you are a two-minute walk from the metro, allowing you to easily get to museums, concerts, and restaurants. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Ankita: It is almost overwhelming the number of resources you have, but in a good way. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Ankita: Rice is set up Hogwarts style, which means we are randomly divided among 11 residential colleges where we will spend our four years at Rice. The result of this is mini representations of the student body, a close-knit community that creates a unique atmosphere at Rice. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Ankita: The Sciences and Engineering are really strong at Rice, with tons and tons of opportunities. Rice is also a great place to be a pre-med student, with the largest medical center in the world literally right outside. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Ankita: Rices Orientation week is one of the most important weeks of the year. Advisors are hand picked to create a team of friendly, knowledgeable people who will gladly devote their time to learn the name of each freshman at the college before they arrive. As a result, the freshmen are quickly integrated into their college, and before O-week is over are convinced their college is the best. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Ankita: Yes, they constantly have fairs with companies coming to visit. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Ankita: Other than finals week, I think it is easy to find space to study and hang out. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Ankita: Houston is great! And with our location, the zoo, museum district, and downtown can be accessed by the metro which, thanks to Rice, we ride for free. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Ankita: I think Rice is a perfect size. Its on the smaller end, but you dont feel lost, and I still walk around campus and see new faces. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Ankita: I took a class on Pediatric Global Health, a seminar series that I do not think I could have taken anywhere else. Every week we had visionaries that advocated for Global Health come from the medical center and around the world to share their work. Check out Ankitas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Follow This ACT Study Guide To Stand Out From The Crowd On Test Day

Follow This ACT Study Guide To Stand Out From The Crowd On Test Day The Essential ACT Study Guide Many high school students can attest that an essential ACT study guide is crucial to maximum success when sitting for this high stakes exam. Preparing for the ACT shouldn'tbe stressful or consume all of your available time. Carefully planning your preparation, understanding which portions are likely to be difficult, and utilizing all of your available resources will strengthen your studying and help you to perform at your best. There are several components to our essential ACT study guide and each will help ensure you are ready for the big day: Planyour preparation- The ACT is too important of an exam to leave yourpreparation to chance. Once you have determined which day you will sit forthe exam, you should begin to map out your study time and prioritize which parts of the test require the most intense studying. Establishing aconsistent weekly schedule will maximize your available time and providethe consistency vital to careful preparation. Be sure to build in extrastudy sessions in case your weekly schedule changes or unforeseencircumstances arise. Understandthe parts of the test- Studying the academic content areas of the examisn't enough. To maximize your potential on the ACT you must alsounderstand the different componentsof the exam and know what is necessary to achieve a high score. TheACT exam consists of English, mathematics, reading, and science and theACT Plus Writing also includes an optional writing exam. Each of thesesubtests assess specific academic knowledge and skills and require exam candidates answer multiple questions within a specific time frame. Utilize available resources- Thereare many different resources available to you during your ACT testpreparation. The ACT website offers candidates a comprehensive onlineprep system, five retired exams (each containing the optional writingtest), an ACT practice question of the day, a Preparing for the ACTguide, and hundreds of easily accessible practice test questions.Additionally, the professional tutors at Huntington Learning Centers are avaluable resource that can boost your ACT preparation and ensure you're readyfor the big day. They will work with you to maximize your available studytime and ensure your preparation is focused and driven by your individualstrengths and weaknesses. Knowyour strengths, focus on your weaknesses- An important part of any exampreparation is the use of practice tests. Strategically taking practicetests will provide data on which sections of the test are your strengthsand which will require more time. It is important to focus on the portions of the test that allow for the most growth. Ask forhelp- It's possible to manage your ACT preparation on your own, but ifyou begin to feel overwhelmed or confused, it may be time to ask for help.Consider contacting the professionals at Huntington Learning Center if you are ready for individualized ACT study support. Your specific strengthsand weaknesses will be expertly combined to determine a perfectly tailoredstudy plan. The Huntington Learning Center tutors are experts at creatingpersonalized study sessions that will help ensure you are prepared for theACT. The professional tutors with Huntington Learning Centers are available to assist with your ACT preparation. We will work with you to devise a customized tutoring plan, based on assessment data, that focuses on the areas of the exam where you can make the most growth. No two students are alike and the staff at Huntington Learning Centers is committed to providing individualized tutoring programs tailored to your specific needs.

Other Words for Beautiful - How to Speak Better English

Other Words for Beautiful - How to Speak Better English Learning other words for beautiful will help you build a better English vocabulary. This is vitally important if you want to progressin your level of English.In my short video lesson you will learn 5 other words for beautiful. Of course, there are other words that you can use in English instead of beautiful. For example, perfect. You can say the view was perfect. However, perfect doesnt describe the aesthetic look of someone or something. Other Words for Beautiful Hi there. Im Harry and welcome back.Today, I want to talk to you about the word beautiful but in a way were going to show you different words, alternatives or, as we say in grammar, synonyms that you can use instead of beautiful in English.The English language is full of wonderful words but you get bored quite often when you use the same word over and over again.For example, you go on a holiday.Oh it was a beautiful holiday.OrThe view was beautiful.The meal was beautiful.The swimming pool was beautiful.So gets a little bit boring. What alternative words can you use?Luckily, when we use this word beautiful, we can use it with a thing or with a person. So we can use it with a thing a tree, a view as beautiful.We can also refer to a person he or she as beautiful. Okay.So what alternatives can we use?Well, we can use words like GORGEOUS.So how was the view from your balcony?Ah it was gorgeous. Yeah, you could see the sunset in the distance. Really really gorgeous.Did you see the dress that she was wearing?Yeah it was gorgeous, a really beautiful color and it really looked well on her.Okay.Or we can use WONDERFULNow wonderful wed normally use with a thing.So the view was wonderful, the swimming pool in the hotel was wonderful.It was 25 meter pool. It was crystal-clear water. It wasnt too busy. It was really wonderful.Okay. We can use STUNNING Again here we can use this both with what (the thing) and who (the person).So how was the view off the balcony?Ah it was absolutely stunning. You couldnt ask for a better view. Looking out over thesea looking at the wonderful mountains and background really really quite stunning. And how did she look on her wedding day?Oh she was stunning. She had the most beautiful dress really nice cream colour. Really really classic.Okay. So another word, we can use it for people. We can say GOOD-LOOKING  That somebody who is beautiful can be very good-looking.They can also be ATTRACTIVEThese words are much more suitable to people rather t han things.We wouldnt refer to a view for example as good-looking.We refer to a person as good-looking.a good-looking man a good-looking womana good-looking family Yes, we could also refer toan attractive woman an attractive man an attractive looking family so these were words that would be much more suitable to the person rather than to the thing. Okay.So these are alternative words for beautiful. So weve looked at:gorgeouswonderfulstunninggood-looking  attractiveOkay. So remember to join us on and subscribe to our Channel and from that you find a link to our wonderful English courses that will help you with your English grammar.And weve got some really good news coming up for you soon. So watch out for that that. Youll see the link below.Okay. So join me again soon. Other Words for Beautiful

Take the Leap! Learn a Foreign Language and Change Your Life

Take the Leap! Learn a Foreign Language and Change Your Life Take the Leap! Learn a Foreign Language and Change Your Life There are pivotal moments in every life.You’re familiar with the ones that are life-changing, of course: graduations, marriage, births.These are events to be celebrated and remembered.But did you realize that learning a foreign language can also be a life-changing experience?It can be!Dont believe me?Picking up a new language could be the reason you land your dream job or meet the love of your life. Anything can happen when you develop new language skills!Speaking a new languageâ€"or a few, even!â€"creates new and almost endless possibilities for a learner. Doors that were previously closed suddenly swing wide open, inviting new adventures.There are many important motives for taking the language-learning plunge, and lots of different strategies for making this dream a reality.Let’s check them out so you can prepare to learn a foreign language! Take the Leap! Learn a Foreign Language and Change Your LifeUnexpected Benefits of Learning a Foreign LanguageThere are lots of reasons people undertake language learning.Some of them are pretty standard: employment, personal growth, education or travel. For example, there are economic benefits to learning a new language, given that multilingual workers are in demand. And theres no doubt that traveling is way more fun when you speak a bit of the local language.But there are tons of other great reasons to learn a foreign languageâ€"some of which you might never have considered!Weve looked into some of the most recent research on foreign language learning and found some truly incredible, unexpected benefits!Here are some of the most amazing benefits of learning a foreign language: Itll Broaden Your WorldviewAccording to a recent study, multilingual exposure allows for perspective shifts. That is, if you have experience with another language and culture, you stand a better chance of being able to understand issues and ideas from that point of view.This means that foreign language learning doesnt only increase your capa city for empathyâ€"it also makes you a better problem solver because youll have the ability to view a problem from multiple angles.Itll Help You Overcome Cultural BarriersSpeaking another language promotes cultural exchange among people from around the world.Beyond just being able to converse with each other, speaking the same language can be a huge factor in encouraging people to collaboratively create and share ideas.Cultural barriers are breached when we share languages, and that has a positive global impact. It can pave the way for innovations in technology, science, art and other fields.It May Improve Your Brain FunctionIf you need a purely self-serving, physical reason to learn a foreign language, look no further than the results of this study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The study found that language learning is linked to maintaining healthy brain function and delaying or preventing the onset of dementia.That’s reason enough for anyone to choose a sec ond language to learn!It Can Make You a More Effective EmployeeSpeaking a second language looks great on a resume, for sure.But did you know that being multilingual can impact your job performance in other ways?Research has shown that learning a foreign language encourages fine-tuned communication skills and high levels of adaptability and creativity. Another study found that learning a foreign language can strengthen your decision-making skills.All of these assets give foreign language speakers a leg up in politics, business and many other career paths.It Contributes to Better Global RelationsOne outcome of learning a foreign language is that it enhances global understanding and positivity. Language learners are very likely to have affirmative feelings toward the culture, country and citizens where their target language is spoken.Multiply that by many thousands or millions of people learning foreign languages, and youll get a world thats more compassionate and connected.It Facilita tes Further Language LearningAnother advantage of learning a foreign language is that it facilitates learning additional languages.Some studies indicate that language learning gets easier after learning a second language. That means that becoming a polyglot isnt an unattainable goal!Whew! There are so many reasons to learn a foreign language. Surely youve identified at least one or two that get you excited about this incredible journey.Tips for Learning a Foreign LanguageNow that weve gone over why you might want to learn a foreign language, lets think about how to make that dream a reality.Here are some practical tips to gain fluency in a foreign language:Practice to Make Steady ProgressYou’ve heard that practice makes perfect, and that may be true for some things. But honestly, perfection in languages is near impossible. Think about it: Even in your native language you might use a word or phrase incorrectly, so it makes sense that you may make mistakes in a foreign language, too .But if you put in the time, you’ll make progress. Guaranteed!Schedule practice time into your language program. Make a schedule, stick to it and watch your skills grow. Perhaps focus on vocabulary drills one day, followed by reading and writing practice the next. All practice adds upâ€"so pile it on!Understand Your “Why”The intention for learning a foreign language is a huge motivating factor. In other words, the more earnest your reason for tackling a new language, the more likely it is that you’ll apply yourself and stick with the program.Are you learning for educational reasons? To give yourself added employment opportunities? Does romance or travel spur you on? Or are you just learning for personal enrichment?Understanding your why will help you target learning.If you’re planning to travel, focus on lingo that you’ll encounter in a particular spot or concentrate on getting all the vocabulary you’ll need to make your plane, train or automobile connections happen wi th ease.Employment or educational motives also have specialized terms and phrases that you’ll want to address.Target your program to suit your needs. Remember, this is your language journey so be sure it’s headed in the direction you want to go!Immerse YourselfTry to immerse in culture as well as language.Take learning off the screen or page and bring it right into your day-to-day activities. That means look for music, movies, cooking projects and more thatll make the language seem real. Allow yourself to investigate clothing, crafts and dance that make you feel as if you’re experiencingâ€"in addition to learningâ€"a language.FluentU is a super source for online language immersion. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into one-of-a-kind language-learning experiences. Curated videos from across the globe bring your target language to life. Theyre the ideal way to get a feel for culture as well as language .The native speakers in each and every video accurately model pronunciation for learners to imitate. They also introduce idioms and regional dialects for learners to experienceâ€"and all of this happens without ever having to pack a bag or catch a flight! It doesn’t get much more convenient than that! Check out the free trial today.Search for Varied and Exciting MaterialsConsistently look for new, fun and engaging materials,Many learners have been derailed on their language expeditions by boredom. Ho-hum, repetitive materials offer little incentive to learn, and without incentive, learning can stall.Look for interesting resources, like comic books for reading practice or journaling to help power up writing skills.Download a few apps to your phone or tablet for mobile learning. Many have options to download content for use when you dont have internet access. These ensure that learning is never out of reach!Try a few games in your target language. Many are available online through A mazon or eBay at reasonable prices. The point is to vary content so you’ll be excited to learn and engaged in the process.Find a Language PartnerA reliable language partner can literally become a language learner’s best friend!Check out your local cultural clubs, library, university or continuing education resources to locate a local language partner. Look for someone whos either a native speaker or an advanced speaker of your target language. Plan to meet on a set schedule so there’s some consistency to this part of your program.If there’s no way to meet up locally, seek a foreign language buddy online. Conversation Exchange offers pen pal exchanges, Skype, text chats and, in some areas, local meetups.Speak as Often as PossibleIt can’t be stressed enough: Use every opportunity to put your speaking skills to work!The more you speak, the better you’ll speak. The sounds and words will come to mind more quickly and those foreign words and phrases will feel familiar.You donâ €™t need to have a conversational partner on call or nearby. You can practice speaking on your own.If you’re watching a movie, repeat the dialogue. Use subtitles if necessary to get every word that’s spoken. This repeating technique works well with podcasts or television shows, too.Reading a book? Read out loud. Let yourself grow comfortable speaking and hearing the language. This is a super method for practicing because there’s no pressure to get things “right”â€"if you stumble over a word or phrase, simply reread it.Sing in your car or in your shower. Get used to speaking your new language and set yourself up for success.Set Definite GoalsGoals are an ideal way to clearly define exactly where you want your language program to go. Set a goal and determine how to reach it. Plan for success and watch it happen!SMART goals work for nearly any endeavor. Theyre especially applicable to language programs.SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rele vant and Timely. Let’s see what each of those terms mean in relation to foreign languages.Specific goals are clear. They set an exact outcome. “I want to speak Japanese fluently in 12 months” is a specific goal. Theres no gray area in a specific goal.Measurable is the map for how you’re going to work toward that goal. Studying Japanese for an hour each day is measurable. The time is actually something that youll hold yourself accountable for. You can measure the hours and ensure that the goal is met.Attainable goals are ambitious, but realistic. They’re not set so high that they’re super difficult to reach. An attainable goal would be reading a novel in your target language every month. Is it a hard goal? Definitely. But is it attainable? Probably.Relevant goals mirror your “why”â€"which we spoke of earlier. Whats your intention for learning this language? Education? Employment? Travel? Whatever the reason, use it to craft your relevant goal.A timely goal sets quanti fiable time-related boundaries. Speaking Japanese for six hours three days a week, or planning to finish a self-guided online course in two months, are timely goals.Be Willing to Try New ThingsThere are nearly as many ways to learn a language as there are languages. That means that there’s a variety of resources, programs, techniques and materials  available. Luckily for you, many of these great language-learning materials are available online, right at your fingertips.Try everything, even things that don’t seem likely to be a perfect fit. You might surprise yourself and discover that you actually do love learning a foreign language through gaming or poetry or classic movies. Just like that, youve picked up a new interest alongside your new language skills!Build a Core VocabularyIt’s essential to build a core vocabulary when you’re learning a new language. Vocabulary is the foundation of a language; in order to grow strong skills you’ve got to have a firm starting point.Co ncentrate on the common words and phrases first, since these are the ones youll use most frequently. Then, add more complicated expressions, lingo or idioms to enhance your conversational skills.Embrace and Learn from Your MistakesLearn from your mistakes.Remember how we said it’s nearly impossible to speak a languageâ€"any languageâ€"flawlessly 100% of the time? That’s an absolute truth for most of us, which means were going to make mistakes. Lots of them, even.The key with mistakes is to not dwell on them. Mistakes are expected and inevitable, and if you take the view that theyre opportunities for learning, they can become a positive part of your journey. That’s rightâ€"see your mistakes as teachable moments.Get a ton of wrong answers on your last grammar quiz? Take note of what’s not sinking in, look for new methods to grasp that material and work on it.Travel to LearnIf it’s at all possible, plan some travel to a spot where the language you’re studying is spoken. Imm ersion is a fantastic way to learn a language. Many immersive experiences last several months, which is a near-guarantee that lots of language, culture and life-changing experiences can be had!If you’ve got less time to spend, a short adventure works well, too. Plan a getaway to hone your language skills. Chatting with native speakers will add dimension to your learning program that you just can’t get from a book!Use the Buddy SystemWe’ve all heard that it’s better to get a partner involved on a fitness journey. Well, that concept works with language learning, too!Find a learner who’s at the same level as you are. Instead of building abs, build language skills! Hold each other accountable for keeping on task. Learning buddies can support and encourageâ€"and thats an invaluable asset to any program!Learn to Walk Away and Take a BreakSometimes it’s beneficial to put some distance between yourself and the foreign language you’re studying. Yes, that does seem strange but i f you’re experiencing an external crisis or illness or even if you feel you’ve hit a wall with your language programâ€"walk away. Give yourself time to regroup.Find a few fun distractions. Netflix (in your native language), maybe. Be kind to yourself and allow your mind to take a break. Do other things that bring you peace or pleasure for a day or two.Then, when your mind is ready to concentrate again, return to your language program. You’ll be energized and ready to learn. All things will go more smoothly with a rested mind!Find Your Own Learning TimeWere all different so it stands to reason that we might have different learning styles, as well as internal learning clocks.Some of us are “night owls” while others are morning people. Tasks seem uncomplicated and less demanding if we attempt them during our favorite time of the day. Conversely, we canâ€"and often do!â€"struggle when we try to work during our less-alert hours.Chronobiology is the term for finding your persona l best learning time.Science has shown that for the majority of people, the brain’s top learning hours occur for four hours midday and for six hours in the evening. So if you’re able to do so, schedule some of your language program for those times when you’re most likely to learn effectively. Chances are good that you’ll power up your skills when your brain is at its peak learning time!Language acquisition can be much more than a hobby. It can be a tremendously life-changing event!Learning a new language touches lives in many ways. It can positively impact brain function and possibly delay diseases like dementia. It can elevate cultural awareness, closing the gaps that exist between different ethnicities. It can impact global economics, making the world marketplace more stable.Foreign language learning doesnt have to remain a dream. It can become realityâ€"and with these relevant tips, any learner can be successful!Explore your language options, choose a target language (or two!) and grow your communication skills. Learning a foreign language is exciting, challenging and beneficial on many levels. Start working on it now and youll thank yourself later!Embrace this pivotal moment in your life. Celebrate it the way you would any other large-scale personal achievement.Most importantly, have fun!

The Purpose of Education

The Purpose of Education `The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.` ~ Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990) Malcolm Stevenson Forbes was an American entrepreneur best known as the publisher of Forbes magazine, founded by his father B.C. Forbes. Malcolm supported the idea of capitalism and free market trade. He led extravagant lifestyle with high spending on parties, travel, his collection of homes, aircraft, yachts, motorcycles, art, and Faberge eggs. Do you want to be as successful as Malcolm Forbes? Well, start reading books  and consider hiring a tutor. Tutors at developed their unique tutoring styles. Each one is equipped with a range of interesting and effective tutoring techniques that will help you succeed in your life and reach your goals.

Learning a Language through Open University - by TutorNerds

Learning a Language through Open University - by TutorNerds Open University: Learn a New Language Many students in the United States are receiving As or Bs in their foreign language classes but are not able to speak any foreign languages. Some students are seeking a language partner over Skype but for other language-learners this is not the best option. Students can go through iTunes Open University or OU and take several foreign language courses our Orange County foreign language tutors are here to help. Although students cannot receive any school credit for these particular courses, they provide many benefits for American students wishing to learn a second language.??Students can use the courses in two ways: They can either use the classes as a supplement to their traditional Spanish or French classes at school, or they can learn a language that is not offered at school, such as Finnish or Japanese. A Global Education Global education and a global economy are becoming larger issues day after day. Because the United States is so large, and although we speak slightly different regional dialects, the vast majority of Americans speak English as their primary language (READ: New School: Adjusting to Advances in Technology). A student living in the European Union may travel a few hundred miles from France to Germany while a US student will travel the same distance from California to Nevada. Because of our vast geographical boundaries, we don’t need to speak another language throughout the US. Although learning the traditional Spanish or French foreign language option in high school is good, many students prefer to learn a different language. Students may wish to learn the language of their ancestors or learn a language from a country that they wish to live in, visit extensively, or do business in after they finish college. Most European students learn English as a second language because, somehow, English has become the unofficial second language of much of the world. However, using the lessons on OU is a great way for American high school students to join the ranks of people who can speak two or even three languages. Take Away Some Pressure Although students do not get credit for attending OU, for many teenagers this can take away some of the pressure. Without worrying about a grade or test score, some students will no longer think of it as school and will start thinking of it as a useful skill. Once something is no longer a chore, it is often easier to participate in. Students who participate can progress at their own pace and use only what they need. Remember, there is not a teacher or professor who is checking up on assignments or giving final exams in the traditional sense (READ: Ask a Nerd! Mastering AP English Language). The best thing of all is that the vast majority of these courses are entirely free. Students no longer have to live in any particular school district or be able to afford private school tuition in order to take advantage of foreign language learning services online. Give it a Try Students who want to give it a try may simply log-in to the iTunes OU website on their tablet or laptop. There are many podcasts and videos that can be downloaded instantly without even creating an account. Students who wish to take longer language courses, such as those from a university professor, may need to sign up as a student. Because OU is entirely free, there is nothing to lose by attempting to supplement foreign-language learning education using iTunes U Open University. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.